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Does my Home Qualify?

In order for a residence to be sound-proofed, the property must meet several qualifications. These are Federal guidelines, and are outside the jurisdiction of the State of North Carolina and the City of Charlotte.

  1. The home must be constructed prior to 1980. Building standards for residential properties changed in 1975, and as a result homes built after that date should be insulated to the new building standards. Runway 18C/36C was opened in 1979 and acts as the cutoff date for new construction affected by aircraft noise.

  2. The home must fall within the 65 DNL noise contour. Usually as part of a process called a Part 150 study, a noise contour is drawn around the airport using a tool called the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT). This tool digitally models noise generated by aircraft and is able to monitor noise levels using that data on the day/night noise level (DNL) scale. DNL is measured typically over the course of a year and consists of the average noise level of both peaks and valleys of airport noise. No data provided by noise monitors or microphone stations are implemented into these noise levels. If the home is subjected to 65DNL it is considered eligible for sound mitigation if all other qualifications are met. More information about the Part 150 study and DNL contour maps can be found at the Part 150 page.

In order for your residence to be purchased for noise abatement purposes, it must meet the above guidelines and also fall within the 70 DNL noise contour.